Support Debian France
There are several ways to support the association.
By bank transfer
Debian France accepts donations from individuals or companies by bank transfer. To do this, simply transfer funds to the association's bank account and send an e-mail to <> to get a receipt. Be sure to include your name (or company name) and postal address.
These donations greatly help the association organizing its events, promoting Debian or organizing business meetings.
This is the preferred donation method as no fees are induced.
Through liberapay
Debian France has opened a Liberapay account to receie donations. One can use Stripe or Paypal to donate (and therefore fees will be collected by these services and Liberapay).
Using Paypal
Go to this this page, then select « Monetary donation » and enter the amount of your donation before clicking on « Payment ». This will initiate a Paypal payment process.
Your donations are used to fund projects and events that contribute to the Debian project, such as bug squashing parties, mini-debconf, booths at trade fairs and so on.
Become a member and get involved
Donations are appreciated, but French associations are volunteer-based and therefore always looking for new helping hands! Therefore we would be delighted to welcome new members who want to get involved, for example by staffing Debian stands at local events or helping at install parties.
Of course, if you have other projects to promote Debian, we would love to hear from you, and may be able to provide you with the means to bring them to fruition. Come and present your project on the mailing list where all members and volunteers meet to exchange ideas and points of view.
To join the association, the recommended method is to fill in this online form and then pay your membership subscription with Paypal (via « Public pages → Payment form » in the left menu).
Those who do not wish (or are unable) to use Paypal can pay their membership subscription by bank transfer, specifying an explicit transfer subject (e.g. « ADH John Doe » for a first membership and « REN ADH John Doe » for a renewal).
Here are the necessary banking details:
- Holder : Association Debian France
- IBAN : FR76 1027 8030 0700 0204 2980 309
- Bank address : Crédit Mutuel Mulhouse St Paul 61 avenue de Colmar 68068 Mulhouse Cedex 2 France
Once the transfer has been made, if you don't see any update on your membership status after a week or two, please reach out to the board by mail, using the board's mail address: <>.